The osteoderm in Varanus komodoensis (ZMH R13322) exhibits a finely structured osteoderm armor, characterized by diverse shapes of individual osteoderm elements. A. Osteoderm in dorsal view; B. Osteoderm and skull in dorsal; C. In lateral; D. In ventral; E. In anterodorsal views. We point out that the lateral portion of the osteoderm, extending from the orbit to the nasal opening, remains unreconstructed in our project. This omission is attributed to the intricate structure of the platelets in this region, the difficulties to reconstruct them accurately, and the constraints imposed by the limited project timeframe. For comparison, we refer readers to Maisano et al. (2019). Scale bar: 1 cm (A).

  Part of: Kubota M, Hallermann J, Beerlink A, Haas A (2024) The skull morphology of the Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis (Reptilia, Squamata, Varanidae) — a digital-dissection study. Evolutionary Systematics 8(2): 219-245.