PMS of 4th to 6th instars of Australomimetus djuka. All unlabeled arrows point to non-T-AAC spigots. A, B. Juveniles. C, D. Adults. Same CY spigot (C) and closest AC spigot (unlabeled arrow) shown from two perspectives in (A, C); inset in (B) likewise from same specimen used to produce larger image, but shows lateral view of CY and AC spigots from opposite PMS. Note ontogenetic changes in CY spigot width relative to nearest AC spigot. E.AC spigots from (D) magnified, the distal ends of their shafts further magnified in insets: no obvious difference in diameters of openings, given in nm [see Materials and methods (‘SEM of spinnerets…’)], between ‘late’ AC spigot (L) and ‘pioneer’ AC spigots (P) [see Results (‘PMS-Sexual and geographic…’)]. A, B inset, C. Left PMS. B main, D, E. Right PMS (image flipped). 1°, 1° MiA spigot; C, CY spigot; L, ‘late’ AC spigot; P, ‘pioneer’ AC spigot. Scale bars: A-D 20 µm; E 10 µm. See also Abbreviations and terminology (‘Spinning apparatus abbreviations’) and Results (Convention 3 in ‘Conventions applied…’).