45. Colias heos ab. crocopepla Warnecke, 1912; 46. Colias heos ab. rhododactyla Warnecke, 1912; 47. Colias heos ab. theia Warnecke, 1912; 48. Colias caucasica balcanica f. rebeli Schawerda, 1906; 49. Colias cocandica tatarica Bang-Haas, 1915; 50. Colias wiskotti aurea Kotzsch, 1936. a. Dorsal view, b. ventral view.

  Part of: Zahiri R, Nazari V, Rajaei H, Wiemers M, Fatahi M, Seidel M, Dalsgaard T, Husemann M (2021) An illustrated catalogue of the type specimens of Lepidoptera housed in the Zoological Museum Hamburg (ZMH): Part II. superfamily Papilionoidea. Evolutionary Systematics 5(2): 193-261. https://doi.org/10.3897/evolsyst.5.63435