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Habitus of females of Echiniscus insularis sp. nov. (PCM): A dorsal view (cA – cirrus A, ce – cirrus externus, ci – cirrus internus, cl – (primary) clava, cp – cephalic papilla), B dorsolateral view, C lateral view. Note irregularly distributed spicules along margins of the dorsal plates. Scale bars in μm.

Habitus of males of Echiniscus insularis sp. nov. (PCM): A dorsal view, B dorsolateral view, C lateral view. Note differences between the density of supernumerary spicules at margins of the dorsal plates. Scale bars in μm.

Habitus of females of Echiniscus insularis sp. nov.: A specimen with appendages (arrowheads) greatly reduced in number and aberrantly large, merging pores (PCM, dorsolateral view), B typical female with ordinary set of appendages (SEM, dorsal view). Scale bars in μm.

Habitus of Echiniscus insularis sp. nov. – individuals with aberrantly developed dorsal sculpturing (PCM): A female, dorsal view, B male, dorsolateral view. Note differences in the development of appendages. Scale bars in μm.

Habitus of juvenile of Echiniscus insularis sp. nov. with fully developed appendages (PCM, dorsolateral view). Scale bar in μm.

Morphological details of Echiniscus insularis sp. nov.: A female in lateral view (SEM), B male cephalic appendages (SEM), C male gonopore (SEM), D, E appendages along the caudal incision (PCM). Scale bars in μm.

Claws of Echiniscus insularis sp. nov.: A claws I (PCM, empty arrowhead indicates the asymmetric lack of internal spur), B claws II (SEM), C claws III (SEM), D claws IV with dentate collar (SEM). Scale bars in μm.

Phylogenetic position of Echiniscus insularis sp. nov. on the Maximum Likelihood consensus phylogenetic tree; the E. spinulosus complex is marked in green and Diploechiniscus oihonnae was used as an outgroup. ML bootstrap values are presented above the branches.

Habitus of Echiniscus tropicalis in dorsolateral view (PCM): A adult female (black arrowheads indicate pulvini, whereas white arrowheads – pedal plates), B larva. Scale bars in μm.

Dorsal plate sculpturing of Echiniscus tropicalis in close-up (PCM). Scale bar in μm.

Dorsal plate sculpturing of Echiniscus tropicalis (SEM): A adult female in dorsal view, B, C pores in close-up. Scale bars in μm.

Habitus of Pseudechiniscus mascarenensis sp. nov. (PCM): A female, dorsolateral view, B, C males, dorsal view. Scale bars in μm.

Ventral sculpturing pattern of female of Pseudechiniscus mascarenensis sp. nov. (PCM). Scale bar in μm.

Schematic ventral sculpturing pattern of female of Pseudechiniscus mascarenensis sp. nov.

Habitus of females of Pseudechiniscus mascarenensis sp. nov. (SEM): A dorsal view, B ventral view. Scale bars in μm.

Habitus of females of Pseudechiniscus mascarenensis sp. nov. (SEM) in lateral view. Scale bars in μm.

Claws of Pseudechiniscus mascarenensis sp. nov.: A claws I (PCM), B claws II (SEM), C claws III (PCM), D claws IV with papilla (SEM). Scale bars in μm.

Distribution of species discussed in the present study. Map downloaded from www.freeworldmaps.net.